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> Paint and Coating > Pigments > Inorganic > Aluminium Pastes

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(water-repellent Aluminiumpaste)

For the increasing global concerns over the environmental pollutions, it is more and more becoming a burning issue for every nation to reduce emissions from hydrocarbon solvents or VOC`s. Although in many countries rules and regulations are not stringen: as yet and the use of organic solvent based paints is still very much in vogue, however, due to the mounting pressures a trend is already set to bring about changes to minimize VOC´S.

In that respect MEPCO Speciality Products introduced two different series of aluminium pigments, NEERAL&ECOSAFE, for water borne coatings.

Because of precarious nature of finely divided Aluminium pigment particles in the presence of water(exothermically reacting to form flammable Hydrogen gas and converting Aluminium in to Aluminium oxy-hydroxides making Al pigments dull), care must be taken to minimize reaction tendencies of Al with water (passivation) while formulating pigments for water borne coatings.

APPILICATION: Both NEERAL and ECOSAFE grades are designed to suit water borne paints and inks. Unlike ECOSAFE grades, the paint formulations using NEERAL are mostly recommended for ready -to- use applications and require additional passivated paint formulations for stability.

NATURE: The NEERAL grades are generally gently passivated paint formulations for stability.

SHELFLIFE: NEERAL grades are based on water dispersible systems, and they have very long shelf life. (14months). ECOSAFE grades are of relatively shorter shelf life (9 months). * Under the recommended storage conditions as mentioned in MSDS.

FLEXIBILITY: Both ECOSAFE and NEERAL grades can be formulated in customized solvents like alcohol, glycolethers, texanol etc.

RECOMMENDATION: Dspite all cares taken for passivating Al, one must realize, the precariousness of Al cannot be fully eliminated in the presence of water: Any change in conditions of one of the four major stimuli, e.g. Temperature, Pressure, pH, and the presence of any catalytic substance (iron, iron oxides in particular) can always make the system vulnerable to react. For safer handling and longer shelf life of the water borne paints, we recommend not to exceed the storage temperature above 35°C and to keep the p H of the formulation<9. It is recommended to provide a pressure release vent on to the lid of the paint can in case there is any hydrogen gas accumulation inside the paint vessel over time.

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max. storage time:14 Monate


% non Volatile by weight:70
Sieve Size (µm):45
% sieve penetrability:99.99



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